Cyber Shadow Art Contest Results!
We were blown away by the quality, creativity, and variety of all the Cyber Shadow-themed artwork! We hope you enjoy perusing each piece of art as much as we did!
Greetings art masters!
We were blown away by the quality, creativity, and variety of all the Cyber Shadow-themed artwork! We hope you enjoy perusing each piece of art as much as we did!
It was a really difficult decision for MekaSkull & the YCG team considering all of the amazing entries we had, but we finally made our picks! So without further ado, let's announce our winners!
"A Figure In The Light" by Eli Perez - 1st Place Grand Prize Winner
This piece is gorgeous! We loved the composition and colors! MekaSkull said it captured Shadow's essence. (Hah! Get it? Wink! Wink!)
80s Poster by HorizenDreamer - 2nd Place
We loved the cute art style and attention to detail! L-Gion looks like such a happy chap! We couldn't help but smile when judging this.
"Electronic Dream Dance" by Alva Ruth Adermark - 3rd Place
The comradery of Master and Shadow is excellently conveyed! They look super cute fighting the mechanical horde in the moonlight. We also loved your use of color. Great work!
L-Gion Replica by Susanne Elisabeth Zenkert - 4th Place
We thought she did a great job creating this 3D figure of L-Gion! His eye detailing looks awesome! Props for bringing our favorite blue robot into the real world!
"Shadow vs the Cyzom" by Double_Tap - 5th Place
Whoa! That's is a pretty sick sword move. MekaSkull felt that you did an impressive job capturing Shadow's despair (which is what his journey is all about!) This illustration is awesome!
Thank you
Congratulations to the winners and a huge thank you to everyone for participating!
To all of the prize winners: We'll be getting in touch soon over email. So keep an eye out!
We hope everyone continues to share and enjoy Shadow's journey in Cyber Shadow!
For more info on Cyber Shadow, click here!