Cyber Shadow Hidden Easter Egg Challenge!
We have a glorious challenge for you! In the latest update, Cyber Shadow has had 3 new Easter Eggs hidden in-game. Uncovering all three will unlock a special in-game skill!
Greetings Easter Egg Hunters and Completionists!
We have a glorious challenge for you! In the latest update, Cyber Shadow has had 3 new Easter Eggs hidden in-game. Uncovering all three will unlock a special in-game skill worthy of a true ninja master! A big congratulations to @NixKillsMyths for being the first to complete it! The next time we update Cyber Shadow, we’ll add their name to the credits!
If you haven’t found the Easter Eggs yet, don’t fret! We have crafted hints to help guide you on your search! The path to Easter Egg hunting glory awaits!
Easter Egg 1 Hint
Easter Egg 2 Hint
Easter Egg 3 Hint
Easter Egg 1 Hint
Easter Egg 2 Hint
Easter Egg 3 Hint
Easter Egg 1 Hint
Easter Egg 2 Hint
Easter Egg 3 Hint
Easter Egg 1 Hint
Easter Egg 2 Hint
Easter Egg 3 Hint
Easter Egg 1 Hint
Easter Egg 2 Hint
Easter Egg 3 Hint
That's all of the hints! Good luck!
How Do I Win?
NOTE: The contest portion of the challenge has ended so, we are no longer accepting entries!
A big congrats to NixKillsMyths for being the first to complete it!
You’ll need to update your game so you can access the Easter Eggs and new move! You can follow this guide to make sure your version of Cyber Shadow is up-to-date!
Once you’ve collected all 3 Easter Eggs and obtained the legendary new in-game skill, please send an email to [email protected] with the following information:
Your full name
If you are 16 & under, please fill out this COPPA Parental Consent Form along with your entry!
If you do not fill out this form, your entry will be considered invalid.
A description of how/where you found each Easter Egg
A screenshot, .GIF, or video of Shadow using the hidden in-game skill
For more information on this challenge, make sure to read our rules section!
Note: If you don’t own Cyber Shadow and you want to embark on your ninja action adventure, you are in luck!
Cyber Shadow is on sale on various platforms:
Nintendo Switch (NOA) – 06/15/21 – 06/21/21
Xbox – 06/15/21 – 06/28/21
GOG – 06/15/21 – 06/28/21
We’ll add the winner’s name to the game’s credits in our next update! So you can bask in immortalized ninja glory!