Shovel Knight Dig - Early Preview Update Notes
We’re working on some quality-of-life improvements for the base game and Fate & Fortune DLC! You are more than welcome to check it out in the Early Preview branch on Steam!
Ahoy there, boaters!
Developing a well-balanced game can be difficult - especially if it’s an ambitious title with THOUSANDS of handcrafted levels procedurally stitched together. Our team is working hard on creating new content (DLC Pack 2 coming soon)...
What lies beyond the fire place?!?!
… in the meantime, we’re working on some quality-of-life improvements for the base game and Fate & Fortune DLC! You are more than welcome to check it out in the Early Preview branch on Steam. We’re beyond excited to make Shovel Knight Dig even better!
Please keep in mind that we’re still in the process of rolling out fixes! With that said, there is a possibility that you’ll run into bugs, crashes, and oddities that you wouldn’t normally encounter in a retail release. So, to avoid any potential mishaps, we recommend you backup your save files just in case!
Note: This is currently limited to the Steam version of the game. Once the content has been polished and meets the quality bar that we’re happy with, we will bring the improvements to consoles.
Thank you for your patience!
If you encounter any issues, contact us on our Discord, or email us at [email protected]
Current Version:
Steam - 1.1.5
Version 1.1.5
Quality of Life Early Preview
How to Access Branch
To access Shovel Knight Dig’s Quality of Life Feedback branch you must own Shovel Knight Dig and have it in your Steam library!
Once you have purchased the game, follow these steps to switch to the Quality of Life branch of the game:
1) Right-click on Shovel Knight Dig from within your Library and select Properties
2) Select the “Betas” tab.
3) Enter the password "FetcherFetch" and select “Check Code”.
A blue button that says “Opt into: qol-feedback - For Playtesters” should appear. Click this button
NOTE: If you experience problems entering this code, and you’ve confirmed you have entered the code correctly, try rebooting Steam!
4) The game should update with the early-preview branch and should now say [qol-feedback] after the title in your Steam library.
Returning to the Main Game Branch
You can switch back to the normal game at any time! If you wish to switch back to Dig without the early-preview content, follow these instructions:
1) Navigate back to the “Betas” tab by right-clicking Shovel Knight Dig in your Steam library and going to:
Properties > Betas
2) In the dropdown menu, you will see 2 options:
Qol-feedback - for Playtesters
Select “none” to go back to the base game
Your game will then update and return to the main release version of the game.
How to backup your save file
If you wish to back up your Steam save file just in case, open a File Explorer window and type the following into the address bar:
%APPDATA%\..\LocalLow\Yacht Club Games\Shovel Knight Dig\DefaultUser
Copy the file called skdig.sav and store it in a safe place!
If your save data gets corrupted and Steam Cloud doesn’t restore it properly, you can copy and paste your backup folder into this directory to restore your save file.