Shovel Knight Update Notes
Follow this guide to make sure your version of Shovel Knight is the latest and greatest.
Read on for what’s going on within the myriad gears of Shovel Knight! Note that a lot of these are minor details for those interested and may even include some light spoilers for the game. We’ll be sure to let you know on our home page whenever we add big new content!
Instructions on how to update your game: Update Guide
If you encounter any issues while playing a Shovel Knight game, contact:[email protected]
Current Version (All Platforms): 4.1
Version 4.1 Notes
New! 1:1 Pixel Scaling mode is now available on certain platforms. It can be found within Options > Screen Scale.
[Steam] Change: Steam Sync option has returned to the Feats menu.
[Switch, Wii U, 3DS] Change: If wearing an amiibo costume when speaking with Madame Meeber the dialogue prompt to change back to the default costume now begins on the “No” prompt choice.
[3DS] Fix: Under certain circumstances, progress would not save to cartridge versions of the game after having updated to version 4.0A.
Change: Japanese graphical change cheat KUWA-GATA and Japanese text change cheat IKA-TAKO will now allow you to continue earning Feats.
[Switch/Wii U/3DS] Fix: Hoppicles responding to fairy minion attacks by turning around.
[Wii U/3DS] Fix: amiibo Costume icons not appearing on second screen Gear menu.
Cheat compatibility improvements.
Localization improvements.
Shovel of Hope
Fix: Booming Horn while in upward moving wind would cause unintentional movement.
Fix: Co-op: Player A dying when blocking Player B on a ladder would cause Player B to be unable to climb in that direction until Player A returned.
[Sony/PS4/Xbox/PC] Fix: Cameo songs from other games would not be indicated as played within Bard’s Song Menu.
[Switch/3DS/Wii U] Fix: Crash would occur when using the Shadow Mirror to Shovel Drop onto a platter.
Plague of Shadows
Fix: Mail Minion stats for bursts and bomb throws would increment during certain cinematic scenes.
Fix: Quickly skipping Troupple King introduction scene after watching his dance for the first time would cause Troupple King to incessantly flap his fins.
[Switch/Wii U/3DS] Pandemonium Cloak icon would display incorrectly in inventory menu when used with Boomtech costume.
Fix: Magicist Intro dialogue still plays after switching amiibo armor
Specter of Torment
Fix: Dread Talon was unintentionally dealing more damage to bosses as of version 4.0 onward.
Fix: Throwing Sickle would not travel a shorter distance when thrown while Chronos Coin was active.
Fix: Final Red Skull turn-in scene would behave unintentionally when using certain cheats.
Fix: Crash could occur if Hoppicles was pushed onto Big Bohto
King of Cards
New! Added Joustus Free Play mode! Go to King Knight’s room and speak with the mirror to begin.
New!Added dialogue line after defeating Blazorb in Cavern of Joustus to help players know there is a larger mystery afoot!
New! In New Game+, gold multiplier info has been added to the level map menu.
Change: An exit sign post has been added to the single screen treasure area in world 2.
Change: When stealing back a previously lost, non-infinite, non-unique card after a Joustus victory, an entry for that card will always be removed from Chester’s Reclaim list. Previously, if the opponent had a copy of that card in their deck, then stealing the copy would cause your stolen card to remain within the store.
Change: Blazorb is no longer required for 100% Joustus opponent victory.
Fix: King Knight not responding to spikes if he was bashing while wind was pushing downward.
Fix: Replaying Joustus tutorial would unintentionally count as defeating a unique card opponent, incrementing the card battle total on the Profile Select screen.
Fix: Playing the Joustus tutorial no longer has an effect on Joustus stats.
Fix: Could avoid damage from Crowndalier by bashing it while it is falling directly overhead.
Fix: Mr. Hat could be pushed out of the arena if damaged during certain attack states.
Fix: Treasure Knight would sometimes aim away from center screen when performing Anchor Shot Zip Slam near edge of the arena, which could result in becoming stuck.
Fix: Final boss first phase could be cleared with certain timing which resulted in the second phase starting with the player player taking damage immediately.
Fix: Final boss second phase would sometimes begin with an unintentional downward laser shot into the void.
Fix: Beginning a roll from bash will reset the attack hold timer, even if the Attack action is bound to two seperate buttons.
Fix: Turncoat effect not following King Knight correctly during screen transition.
Fix: Turncoat roll could send the player through a collision ceiling when jumping.
Fix: Turncoat roll could travel higher than intended when activated during jump rise.
Fix: Turncoat and Healing Hammer would buffer and execute twice when used just before touching a spring.
Fix: Using Bubble Frog and making contact with lava wall would cause King Knight to recover as if he was wearing the Rodent Regalia. Recovery now resembles a normal get hit.
Fix: Using Searing Saber and landing on a spring, then Gyro Boots just before bouncing on a spring could result in unintentional visual effects.
Fix: Gyro Boots ending in the air could result in the player not being able to visually turn around until beginning another state.
Fix: Bladescale could sometimes miss catching his thrown sword.
Fix: Rodent Regalia collision issues
[3DS] Fix: Bash spin on wall more consistent
Fix: Airship Joustus battles without a chair could become stuck if triggered too quickly.
Fix: Issues when obtaining repeated wisps in World 4’s Joustus House
Fix: Issues with dialogue getting stuck when challenging World 3’s Joustus House champion
Fix: Bash count stat would increment during certain cinematic scenes.
[3DS/WiiU] Fix: Decrees would display a gold cost to activate on the second screen when playing in New Game+.
Fix: Can no longer miss 1 turn to win card rewards
Fix: Using the Joustus Cheat Card “Play-Em-All” on the turn before Black Knight activates Meteor Attack would cause the meteor attack to never occur.
Fix: Wealth Whirl vortex could behave oddly in rare cases in stages which have warp walls.
Fix: Money Bags would appear incorrectly when traveling through a warp wall.
Fix: Landing and running off the W2’s bonus platform using cheats could cause non-progression.
Fix: Always Ice Cheat would cause a non-progression with first Specter Knight battle.
Fix: King Knight’s next jump would become unintentionally floaty after rolling once with Turncoat.
Fix: King Knight endless spin bounce cheat could cause cinematics not to progress under certain circumstances.
Fix: New Game+ Heirlooms would have no cost when battling with Propeller Knight.
Fix: Teethalon Rope now doesn’t appear when visiting the area again.
Fix: Joustus Deck Counts fixed for cards that had their side reversed
Fix: Multiple issues addressed for staying in airship invasion scene.
New! Added a special command to access gauntlet target mode! Once all characters are unlocked, begin a target battle while holding “Left Parry and Special” when the VS screen disappears. You will know the cheat was successful when you see CHARACTER on the HUD in place of HIGH SCORE.
Change: When Theme Shuffle is on, Target Mode has the possibility of playing a wider variety of music.
[Standalone] Fix: Controller could become unresponsive when viewing Sound Test Unlocked message prompt.
Fix: Able to fall between lava and goo during its transition between lava and goo.
Fix: Targets combo meter could remain stuck at 1.0 for the entire round on first play.
Fix: Troupple Par-tay Rap track would not loop.
Fix: Fairy Glade song title would not display when starting a fairy battle in Chester’s Choice or Story mode.
Fix: Fairy AI: Framerate/lockup issues when trying to dash in Grinding Glaciers stageSpecter Knight: Fix for unintentional height gain when trying to throw a second sickle after wall jumping into collision.
Specter Knight: Wall climb back flip and scythe slash have a heavier fall, to better scale with the increased climb height in Showdown.
King Knight: Fixed unintentional velocity when using Rat Dismiss right after hitting a wall with Bash.
Black Knight: Fixed unintentional movement when canceling goo target shovel bounce into Dark Wave.
Mole Knight: Now breaks dirt blocks below when exiting from a submerged digpile.
Propeller Knight: Now limited to 3 uses of headwind in the air.
Propeller Knight: Holding down Attack button while releasing Special would unintentionally cause Headwind state to continue.
The Enchantress: Fixed issue where Enchantress could pass through the Airship in armor outpost with Dark Strafe.
The Enchantress: Being far above the HUD causes horizontal/upward Dark Strafes to fizzle out, and results in lesser kickback when shooting Magic Shot downward.
The Enchantress: Minor animation jitter fixes when using flight and Magic Shot on the ground.
The Enchantress: Fix: unable to pick up gems/items during flight.
Dark Reize: Fix: Fairy dash attack behaving incorrectly through screen wraps.Reize: Boomerang Throw downward will no longer be destroyed when thrown from above the screen top
Dark Reize: Aerial Dark Boomerang Throw will no longer be destroyed when thrown from above the screen top.
Liquid Samurai: Arrow shots can now break dirt blocks.
Liquid Samurai: Now limited to 3 uses of Claw Spin before needing to touch the ground.
Liquid Samurai: Increased time before Claw Spin can cancel into Blob Form. When canceling Claw Spin to Blob Form, slightly less height is gained than usual.
Liquid Samurai: Fixed facing away from a wall, beginning claw spin, then coming into contact with wall would cause you to bounce towards the wall.
Liquid Samurai: Fixed error which allowed Liquid Samurai to zip-to-ceiling endlessly when exiting ceiling with Claw Spin.
Liquid Samurai: Fixed arrow shot not ending in the air if pushed off ledge during sword weapon transformation.
Localization improvements.
Shovel of Hope / Plague of Shadows
Fix: If save data became mismatched, corrupted or otherwise unintentionally altered during a version update, the player could start on the level map farther than they could progress (past level locks, under the fog of unrevealed areas, etc). In these rare error cases, the game will now start the player on the Village instead.
Fix: Treasure Knight could be pushed through wall under certain conditions
Fix: Palette could sometimes change blue when using fleet flask and jumping/falling/hitting a wall.
King of Cards
Fix: Duelist Di appearing twice during tower airship scene under certain circumstances.
Fix: King being able to jump after performing a bash into certain Heirloom attacks.
Fix: Dying and landing on a certain platform in World 2’s Bonus Stage would cause the stage to advance.
Fix: Being able to escape the stage’s bounds in Void Crater.
Fix: Joustus would crash when forfeiting while cards were being removed during a turn.
Fix: 3rd Joustus House boss would get stuck trying to begin the match.
Fix: Being able to bash and speak with Ledge Farmer at the same time.
Fix: Dueling Glove subtracting vigor twice if used just when touching a spring.
Fix: Rat Regalia getting you stuck in collision
Fix: Phantom Striker would not leave Phantom Shroud state if started before certain cutscenes.
Fix: Bindings in practice mode switch to menu bindings when menu is fully open.
Fix: Bindings no longer apply during story sequences.
Fix: AI would become stuck on respawn platform.
Fix: Custom bindings crash issues
Fix: Confirm/Cancel swap preventing the menu from progressing with the Enter key while selecting characters
Shield Knight: Shield Toss now only bounces off screen top if thrown upward. Allowing downward and horizontal tosses from over the HUD to execute without issue.Fix: French/German/Russian/Spanish Text overlap with Overtime!
Fix: Story mode crash in Targets in Russian/Japanese Kana
Fix: Practice mode custom bindings no longer forgotten when pause menu opens
Vsync Legacy Improvements.
Additional controller support.
Fix: Keyboard custom binding fixes in Showdown
New: King of Cards is now available! Step into the gilded boots of King Knight in the biggest and most regal Shovel Knight game of them all!
New: Shovel Knight Showdownis now available. Duel with up to 4 players locally and scramble after gems! (Note: Showdown is not available on Vita or 3DS platforms)
New: Added a “Cheat Activated” prompt after successfully entering a cheat code.
New: Korean, Traditional Chinese, and Simplified Chinese language support. (Note: Due to space issues, these are not available on 3DS)
New: The “Screen Effects” option has been broken into two, more specific toggles: Screen Flash, and Screen Shake. These can be used to reduce motion and flash based effects in the game.
New: Accessibility options category has been added. Including options to toggle Screen Shake, Screen Flash, and adjust Joustus Card Color for colorblindness.
Change: Setting Screen Flash to Minimal now reduces additional effects.
Change: Setting the Accessibility Screen Flash to Minimal now lowers the animation speed of bright waterfall palette shifting effects.
Change: Leave stage menu prompt no longer pauses level music
Change: In cases where spikes and damage are detected on exactly the same frame, damage will win out
Change: Text referring to Campaigns/Adventures changed to more consistently refer to Shovel of Hope, Plague of Shadows, and King of Cards as “Games”.
Change: Screen scale menu design has changed slightly, to accommodate Showdown
Change: Plague of Shadows: Returning to The Potionarium after a level, purchasing an item, or turning in any itmes, will auto-save the game.
Change: “Subweapon Quick Select” has now been changed to “Quick Select”. Additional menus now support using L and R buttons to change options when this option is enabled. For example, changing pages on the File Select menu.
Change: New Game+ is now be started by pressing Start on the profile select, and has an additional prompt which recommends copying your profile first. This way you won’t be pestered or accidentally start NG+ when just visiting a completed save.
Fix: Deleting all save data when audio is set to zero will properly restore audio volumes.
Fix: Ghost enemies harming overlapping player on frame they return from phase out.
Fix: Challenge Mode – Enemies no longer drop gold during challenges where gold collection is not the objective.
Fix: Challenge Mode – Challenges clearing if passing the goal while dead.
(Long Needed) Fix: Player’s jump input being discarded in favor of skid by pressing the Jump button and the opposing direction while on the ground within any space of time that would normally result in a skid.
Fix: GetHit/Death rising velocity could be lower than intended if hit during specific points of a jump rise.
Fix: Wizzems sometimes leaving behind charging projectiles when culled.
Fix: Boneclang Honcho having inconsistent attack height when idle.
Fix: Issue where dropped money bags would persist through multiple deaths in automatically scrolling rooms.
[Switch/Wii U/3DS]
New: Support for Plague Knight, King Knight, Specter Knight and King Knight amiibo!
New: Video recording feature is now enabled.
Shorcuts for Change Controller/Grip Order have been removed. As you can find these right on the Switch Home screen!
[Wii U]
New: Friends List will now update based on what game you are playing within Treasure Trove. For instance: Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove, Playing King of Cards
New: Opening the Steam Overlay will now pause the game when able. This can be disabled by turning off “Pause on lost focus” option within Options > Game.
Shovel of Hope
Change : You can now earn Feats while playing co-op in Shovel of Hope! Profiles which previously had Feats disabled due to playing co-op in the past can once again obtain feats.
Change: Mr. Hat now drops Song Scroll #13 “Fighting With All of Our Might” in addition to Reize (whichever is picked up first). If the player misses the pickup after battling Reize or Hat, it will be held at the Fancy Shop until claimed.
Change: If you neglect to open the Red Chest while at the campfire, then Goatician will obtain and gleefully sell you these tickets instead.
Change: Mona’s name color is now consistent with the name color found in Plague of Shadows and King of Cards.
Change: While on the Level Map, Select button will now activate the co-op prompt and Attack button now changes the Stage Info/Totals prompt. As it was too easy to activate this menu unintentionally.
Change: Penny Pincher Feat can no longer be earned in New Game+, as you already carried over your purchases!
Change [co-op]: A fishing hooked player can trigger downward screen warps.
Fix: “Dirt Poor” Feat being obtainable in Plains. Now matches the description for “Order of no Quarter” stage.
Fix: Color highlighting in certain menus not appearing when referring to Health and Magic.
Fix: “Well Met” Feat not being warded if the catapult is taken from Armor Outpost to Village after fighting Mr. Hat.
Fix: Terms not being highlighted in Gear menu.
Fix: Ground Spark traveling through certain types of collision
Fix: Mobile Gear not sticking to the back of Big Bhoto.
Fix: Mobile Gear can be crushed by collision.
Fix: Skulls are once again pinned by weighted platforms rising into collision.
Fix: Obtaining a chalice no longer adds magic points.
Fix: If Chaos Sphere is placed to start within collision, it will instead spawn closer to Shovel Knight’s center. Keeping the chaos to outside of collision!
Fix: Speaking with Hoop Kid’s hoop right after knocking it away would cause Shovel Knight to run endlessly right out of the village. Most likely in shame.
[Switch/Wii U/3DS]
New: Support for Plague Knight, King Knight, Specter Knight and King Knight amiibo! Find out morehere!
Change: You can now earn Feats while playing Custom Knight! Profiles which previously had Feats disabled due to playing Custom Knight in the past can once again obtain feats.
Custom Knight: Bomb Toss having erroneous velocity when cancelled immediately into thrown or casted subweapons.
Custom Knight: Fixes for Double Jump not resetting when attacking on the same frame as touching the ground.
Custom Knight [3DS/Wii U]: Selecting relics from bottom screen will dismiss the “new” notification within the main screen’s Edit menu.
Plague of Shadows
New: Alchemy Quick Select!
Hold the L or R button to configure your bombs and Arcana with a convenient new menu and experiment with explosives freely, just like the mad alchemist himself! The old arcana-only quick select can be disabled by disabling “Alchemy Quick Select” within Options > Controls.
Change: Mr. Hat now drops Song Scroll #13 in addition to Reize (whichever is picked up first). If the player misses the pickup after battling Reize or Hat, it will be held at the Fancy Shop until claimed.
Change: If the player misses picking up Song Scroll #9 after battling Hat, it will be at the Fancy Shop until claimed.
Change: Skulls knocked away by Plague Knight’s bomb can damage enemies.
Change: While on the Level Map, the Attack button now changes the Stage Info/Totals prompt.
Change: Penny Pincher Feat can no longer be earned in New Game+, as you already carried over your purchases!
Change: Tracer Powder behavior adjusted slightly so as to better follow more types of collision.
NPCs and menus referring to Plague Knight’s “Magic Bar” now refer to it as “Alchemy Power”.
Fix: Color highlighting in certain menus not appearing when referring to Health.
Fix: Tonic pickups becoming invisible if contact is made while blinking and tonics are full.
Fix: Terms not being highlighted in Gear menu.
Fix: Plague Knight could run into vertical spikes and survive while using the Fleet Flask Arcana.
Fix: Plague Knight would perform a stunted jump and could not perform a second jump if performing a bomb throw on the same frame as touching the ground after already having performed a second jump in the air.
Fix: Orbit Case + Cascade Powder could create a dropping flame within collision, leading to inconsistent behavior. Now produces a normal explosion if detonated within collision.
Fix: Cascade Bomb’s dropping flame being sometimes being invisible when spawned within enemy.
Fix: Plague Knight could slide off the platform when speaking with Percy.
Fix: Tracer powder projectiles are created on ceiling or wall when detonated with with remote fuse. Projectiles sometimes would not appear when detonated near (but not touching) a ceiling.
Fix: Shovel Knight’s essence using incorrect palette
Specter of Torment
New: Specter Knight now has a long idle animation! Lookin’ cool, Specter.
New: 5 new challenge stages have been added to Challenge Mode.
Change: When attacks are disabled (Red Curio Room, Challenge Mode) Specter Knight no longer displays up/down angled animations when jumping or falling near enemies.
Change: When switching between unique and original armors at the shop, Specter Knight will appear back at the shop rather than at the beginning of Tower Hub.
Change: On first visit to the Tower, leaving the mirror room before speaking with Dark Acolyte will prompt new dialogue explaining how to begin conversations.
Change: Black Knight will now change direction when encountering a wall after hitting with a downthrust attack.
Fix: Black Knight starting Terrorpin spin attacks while Terrorpin is high above.
Change: Tower Boss Terrorpin will perform fireball attacks when struck by downthrusts during certain flying states when already low-to-ground levitate. Addresses issues which caused Terrorpin to fly higher up the screen than intended when hit by downthrust close to the ground.
Change: Added track “Final Redemption” to sound test.
Change: Skeleton Sentry and Caltrops will now be destroyed when crushed by collision.
Fix: Attacks would be buffered differently from subweapons, causing slightly different behavior if subweapon is set to Attack+Up
Fix: Term “cloak” highlighted differently in different conversations.
Fix: Rail armor carrying momentum incorrectly when air slash is cancelled into dash slash under certain circumstances
Fix: Final red skull turn in scene with Red saves at the very end of the scene, so rewards won’t be missed if the game is shutdown with specific timing.
Fix: Reize being able to reach unintended locations while teleporting.
Fix: Skeleton Sentry not sticking to the back of Big Bhoto.
Fix: Fleeto enemy not dropping gold.
Fix: Crushing platforms not defeating the player when jumping.
Fix: Crash when reaching certain scenes while using infinite health cheats
Fix: Garish Garb unintentionally changing the timing for activating Cold Shoulder.
Fix: Judgment Rush to target enclosed Wizzem during Horace’s Challenge leading toan in-escapable room.
Fix: The screen will stop following the player upward once it has reached the top of Horace’s tower climb game.
Fix: Specter Knight getting a very high spin jump when climbing a rising block at specific timing.
Fix: Striker Shawl’s charged dash slash will carry some momentum into grind if it contacts with a rail, similar to the regular dash slash.
Fix: Striker Shawl’s charged dash slash would sometimes play the wrong animation direction under certain circumstances.
Fix: Under rare circumstances, Dash Slash would execute twice from the same position, after defeating an enemy, landing on the corner of a ledge, and sliding off the ledge.
Fix: Specter Knight not breaking out dirt blocks when jumping at the most extreme edge of collision.
Physical versions Shovel Knight:
Treasure Trove begin on version 4.0. Note that many of these issues were addressed in 4.0A — which many digital versions will launch at.
Version 4.0 -> 4.0A (Retail Only)
This patch primarily addresses issues introduced in version 4.0.
Additional localization improvements.
Fix: Resync controller prompt appearing when controller is disconnected while paused in a single player game.
Fix: Using a certain unlock all code will unlock unseen challenges, even if you already cleared that character’s game previously.
Shovel of Hope
Fix: Co-Op: Player dropping through lava with a shovel drop while moving to a room below will no longer damage objects in the room.
Fix: Co-op: Hitting another player who is wearing of Mail of Momentum would cause them to launch upward, rather than downward, leading to perpetual rising bounces.
Fix: Troupple Acolyte incorrectly appearing in the Body Swap menu.
Shovel of Hope / Plague of Shadows
Fix: A certain skip in Plains of Passage still works, but will produce a more consistent, less problematic, behavior.
King of Cards
Fix: Ghost Glove Heirloom was subtracting magic on consecutive uses while infinite use cheat was active.
Fix: Final Boss attack would sometimes appear farther out than intended.
Fix: Second Specter Knight fight could change phases with mirror active.
Fix: Changing language while in a Joustus match would not change the HUD language post-match until pausing.
Fix: Bash flipping directions when executed over certain bosses at end of fight.
Fix: Crash could occur when selecting a blank tile in a certain shop while in NG+.
Fix: Gear Wizzem’s gear could pool up endlessly in certain areas of the game.
Fix: King Knight being able to escape cutscenes with certain relics and abilities.
Fix: Dying with a Decree selected will respawn with decree still selected.
Fix: Samurai Scepter could pass through certain types of collision in extreme cases.
Fix: Scepter sometimes collecting wall gems after the dash had completed.
Shovel Knight Showdown
Fix: Player 2 can now pause while in Practice mode.
Fix: Animation flicker when losing last stock as a fairy character
Fix: Certain effects remaining on screen when screen effects were set to minimal
Improvements to fairy + lava collision detection
Change: Progress toward No Pit Unlockable cannot be obtained when losing a match against CPU opponents or a boss.
Fix: P2/P3/P4 pausing and going to Options -> Controls, would see the co-op, Shovel of Hope binding menu instead of the Showdown controls menu.
Fix: [Switch] Custom Controller Bindings made with half joycon cannot be used on a “full” controller. And vice versa.
Fix: Characters not interacting with certain stage hazards (drawbridge, etc) when turned into a fairy.
Fix: Bombs items caught in a wall of goo collision will eventually defuse.
Fix: Toggling stage hazards and changing character in Practice Mode now properly changes the character.
Fix: Crash would occur when changing characters in Practice Mode while HUD is disabled.
Fix: Enchantress projectiles could become slowed by friendly Chronos Coin effect if more than two were active at once
Fix: King Knight Roll would stop moving when defeating a player.
Fix: King Knight Bomb Rat would be dispersed by teammate friendly fire.
Fix: Shield Knight being vulnerable to certain attacks from teammates during upward shield bash.
Fix: Mona Cipher Slash and Potions, Treasure Knight Scuttle Slam, and Baz Elbow Drop projectiles would unintentionally destroy projectiles created by a teammate.
Fix: Crash could occur when Black Knight dug up dirt while moving far off screen in an auto scroll stage.
Fix: Dark Reize: Teleporting into spring or goo would cause character to float.
Fix: Dark Reize: Teleporting through screen wraps would cause unintented results.
Fix: Mona: Conure potion sparkle would sometimes appear in the wrong spot during first few frames of attack when activating from hitflash.
Fix: Fairies sometimes breaking coins in Iron Whale stage by making contact.
Fix: Hat: Fixed sliding when input is held during Fancy projectile grounded states
Fix: Reize: Boomerangs no longer pass through the bridge in Waterlog Brig, the drawbridges in Piston Furnace, and other similar objects.
New: During end game credits, an icon will be displayed next to stages which have successfully had all checkpoints broken.
Fix: Teethalon sometimes moving slowly throughout the entire chase sequence.
Fix: Player 2 resetting controller bindings to default would resets Player 1’s bindings as well.
New: The Battletoads join the fray! While playing as Shovel Knight, kick off this very special encounter by uncovering a double secret room in the Hall of Champions.
New: Device detections and icons for Switch controllers (Pro Controller and Joy-Con) as well as Xbox One controllers.
New: Mouse buttons can now be bound to gameplay actions. LMB, RMB…you name it!
Fix: PS4 controller now properly displays “Share” as Select, instead of incorrectly displaying the Touchpad icon.
Fix: Using the number row to change relics in co-op would change both player’s active relic.
Fix: Incorrect fullscreen monitor displaying in the Options Menu.
Improvements to keyboard key icons so they take up less space.
Shovel of Hope
Fix: Alternating between Toad Armor and Dust Knuckles would create inconsistent punch flips.
Fix: Completing the game with no items collected would round up to a 1% item completion. It should now display 0%.
Fix: Playing certain songs at the Bard resulting in erroneous playback when transitioning indoors or underground.
Fix: Aerial Mobile Gear could be interrupted by Tinker wrench.
Fix: Initially unable to use subweapons during battle with Mr. Hat.
Plague of Shadows
Fix: Rematch: Shovel Knight alchemy power meter never fully refilling.
Fix: Erroneous screen transition when falling into the right most pit in the final anchor room of Iron Whale.
Fix: Liquid Samurai could be pushed off ceilings by Vat arcana.
Fix: Plague being invisible and immobile when caught in a double KO with the final boss.
Specter of Torment
Fix: Curio Upgrade menu could not be advanced with the Start button, unlike other menus that do not use Start for another action.
Fix: Using Cold Shoulder after a certain dancing scene would pause the animation (the coldest of shoulders).
Fix: Specific timing would enable movement while still in a nearby shop after speaking with Red.
Fix: Defeating Tinker Knight very, very fast with cheats resulting in unintended behavior.
Fix: Being killed by Propeller Knight moments before a phase change would bring Specter back with no health.
Fix: Reize would appear incorrectly when defeated mid-teleport.
Fix: Plague Knight would sometimes appear without contact damage active after a teleport.
Fix: Performing a unique pose in a certain armor set is now duplicated by Blood Mirror (Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!)
Fix: Getting hit right when beginning a rail grind would cancel out death.
Various localization and menu prompt spacing fixes.
Various improvements made to co-op play.
Various improvements made to Battletoads encounter and rewards.
New: Japanese language options added (Kanji and Kana).
Fix: (Shovel) Crash would occur when changing a single Body Swap setting for a boss, failing at that boss, and then revisiting the encounter.
Fix: (Shovel) Respawn point drifting farther back during many repeated deaths at the Hall of Champions boss.
Fix: (Plague) Failing to defeat Black Knight on the world map could sometimes lead to multiple encounters occupying the same space.
Fix: (Specter) Specter Knight losing active attack frames when releasing a charged slash at the very end of a rail.
Fix: (3DS) Crash would occur when changing costumes or using Bomb Burst while playing as Custom Knight or within amiibo Challenges.
Fix: (3DS) Crash could sometimes occur when selecting certain items as Plague Knight using the touch screen while playing in French, Italian, or German.
Fix: (Xbox) Crash would occur when completing the Turbo Tunnel mini-game in co-op.Fix: (Xbox) Crash would occur when completing the Turbo Tunnel in Challenge Mode.
Fix: (PC): Lock up ould occur if the game window immediately lost focus on boot with certain option settings.
Various text fixes for Body Swap mode.
Various localization and text improvements.
Fix: (Switch) Game starting in English when Switch system language is set to Japanese.
Fix: (Switch) Crash that could occur when scanning amiibo frequently throughout long play sessions.
Fix: Random armor cheat sometimes resulting in an unusable armor set.
Fix: Bugs in certain lines of dialogue while playing and changing settings in Body Swap mode.
Various localization and text improvements.
Fix: Crash when changing Body Swap settings for only a single Boss, while fighting that Boss, falling in battle, and then retrying the encounter.
Fix: Minor text error when changing game’s language under certain Body Swap conditions while on the Level Map.
Fix (Specter): Starting Black Knight, Phantom Striker, or Treasure Knight with Skeleton Sniper or active lantern flames causing erroneous behavior.
Fix: (Specter): Luan jumps prioritized better when backtracking through a room.
Change(Specter): Adjusted visibility of certain background tiles found in Tower and Flying Machine stages.
Fix: (Plague): Shadow blocks being destroyed by having an orbit bomb active during the penultimate boss battle.
Fix: Specter of Torment: Crash when defeating the final boss with a German language setting.
Fix: Specter of Torment: Fixed a bug that allowed Specter Knight to Judgment Rush to unintended locations during certain scenes.
Fix: Specter of Torment: Horace sometimes rewarding the wrong gold amount when reaching the tower’s top.
Fix: Support for Player 2’s controller within calibrate screen prompts.
Fix: Delete All now resets screen scale and brightness settings.
Fix: Shovel of Hope: Various bug fixes for co-op.
Fix: Specter of Torment: Broken camera transition when falling into a certain death pit within “event 2”.
Various localization and text improvements.
Change (Shovel/Plague): The wandering encounter Reize will no longer cross over into the second tier of stages if the game time is below 25 minutes…
Now outputs at a 1080p resolution while playing in docked mode!
Screen Scale video option is only applied and available while playing in docked mode.
Screen Scale menu now appears for the first time that the game is started while in TV mode.
Note: If your TV is not displaying the game’s full image we recommend adjusting your TV Settings from the System Settings menu — this way you’re set for all games in the future! Learn how to do so here.
Fix: Screen Scale / Brightness options not saving.
New: Specter of Torment is now available! Enjoy an entirely new prequel adventure starring the shadowy scythe spinner himself!
New: Specter of Torment Challenges! Clear the game as Specter Knight to unlock.
New: Sound Test is now available! Sound Test will be unlocked for each campaign after they have been cleared.
New: The original Shovel Knight campaign is now referred to as Shovel of Hope.
New: Body Swap Mode is now available in Shovel of Hope!
New: Co-op is now available in Shovel of Hope on all platforms with the exception of portables such as 3DS and Vita.
New: Shovel Knight is now known as Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove!
New: Five additional Plague of Shadows challenges have been added. Hit the books and brush up on your alchemical knowledge.
Fix: Challenge clear being interrupted by goo bounce in certain challenge states
“Saving” prompt has been reduced in size.
New cheats have been added.
Additional controller support.
Various bugfixes across the game.
Various localization and text improvements.
Various changes across the game for displaying Treasure Trove, Specter of Torment, and Shovel of Hope.
Wii U/3DS/Switch
Meet Madam Meeber! She can be found around the Village (Shovel Knight), Potionarium (Plague Knight), and even the Tower of Fate (Specter Knight).
Custom Knight: Body Swap is now available as an option in Edit Appearance.
Fix: Custom Knight: Infinidagger remaining active during certain cutscenes. No matter how hilarious the result happened to be.
Fix: Plague Knight Inventory now matches on top and bottom screen when selecting bombs
Fix: Improvements so that the previous map state information is not lost when re-loading the map as Custom Knight
Fix: Co-op 2 Player Tally screen text better aligned
Fix: amiibo Prompt text fixes
Fix: Custom Knight level up memory leak fix
Fix: Custom Knight item warning only appears if Custom knight active (ie won’t display when playing as a clone)
Wii U
New: New Miiverse avatars from Specter of Torment are now selectable.
Fix: Player 2 can now go into the options menu and bind his own, unsaved, bindings. Player 2’s controller will always start with default controller bindings, instead of inheriting Player 1’s.
Fix: Various menu binding fixes
Fix: Multiplayer flip door fixes
Fix: Clearing flicker states while being pulled through a flip door in co-op.
Fix: Inventory menu shows proper tab switch button if Player 2 has different bindings than Player 1
Fix: Using the gamepad as Player 2 in co-op playing a repeating sound effect when selecting a blank relic slot.
Fix: Stereoscopic issue with walking into tower as Shovel Knight.
Fix: Streetpass Arena armor for 2nd player now shows original armor colors.
Fix: Streetpass relic button now works properly in recordings/viewings.
Change: Armor of Chaos combo sped up slightly.
Change: Armor of Chaos shovel drop no longer locks Shovel Knight into a plummeting fall.
New: Option added to disable the left joystick!
Xbox One
Change: Hitbox improvements made to Toad Gear.
Change: Toad Gear shovel drop no longer locks Shovel Knight into a plumetting fall.
New languages supported! Russian and Brazilian Portuguese are now selectable!
Text and formatting fixes across Shovel Knight and Plague Knight campaigns.
Additional controller support.
Fix: Secret title screen code not working when confirm/cancel is swapped.
Fix: Calibrate Screen Gamma fix when confirm/cancel switched
Fix: Improvements for text replacement cheats.
Fix: Challenge “Extendo Retractro” having inconsistent platform timing.
Fix: Can no longer pause while game is transitioning.
Fix: Specter Knight sometimes floating offscreen during banquet battle intro.
Fix: Enchantress dialogue line not being readable. Enchantress no longer interrupts her own dialogue during the to the battle entrance.
Fix: Tinker Knight Boss reveal will now wait until the player is on screen.
Fix: Moving platforms can no long push pickups in a way that they move infinitely in one direction
Fix: Saving text background now visible on same frame as text
Fix: Tinker Knight being able to be hit during intro.
Fix: Can no longer slide off catapult before it launches you
Fix: Sometimes being able to escape Specter Knight boss fight.
Fix: Plague Knight specific cheats will no longer activate unless Plague Knight is unlocked.
Fix: Hoppicles can no longer fall through platforms
Fix: Single checkpoint cheat not working
Fix: Lava fish now die in water if fished out. They also die if on land for too long.
Fix: Can no longer bind the same button to multiple actions. Added a visual effect when attempting to bind a button already used by another action.
Fix: Can no longer open inventory during challenge mode bosses intro
Fix: Enemy larger cheat fixes for Tinker Knight and Remnant of Fate
Fix: Autoscroll with invincibility cheats creating soft locks.
Fix: Teethalon can no longer be hurt while offscreen
Fix: [Shovel] Striking Plague Knight’s vat once again has blocking knockback.
Fix: [Shovel] Can no longer hit campfire during dream. I guess this would be considered sleep shovelling?
Fix: [Shovel] The Big Creep’s health sometimes still being active after defeat
Fix: [Shovel] The Big Creep spawning issues when activating lights and transitioning rooms simulataneously
Fix: [Shovel] Player now turns to face the The Big Creep during bosds intro. It’s not that kind of ghost!
Fix: [Shovel] Ghosts being hit during cutscene in Hall of Champions
Fix: [Shovel] Served but not yet eaten food from the Gastronomer will still waiting at the Village when you begin New Game+. Leftovers+?
Fix: [Shovel] Can now earn the Sparker feat on Black Knight, Mr. Hat, Reize, Baz, and Phantom Striker.
Fix: [Shovel] Well Met Feat now requires Mr. Hat to be defeated as well.
Fix: [Shovel] Striking Boss Plague Knight’s vat as Shovel Knight once again has blocking knockback.
Fix: [Shovel] Flare Wander Feat no longer unlocks when hitting a block.
Fix: [Shovel] Super Sphere Feat sometimes unlocking from objects that were not hit by Chaos Orb.
Fix? [Shovel] Dolly will now discuss her interest in purchasing a beret at Mr. Hat’s Fancy Shop instead of a brooch! Immersion maintained.
Fix: [Shovel] Visual frame sync issue with the mobile gear
Fix: [Plague] Alchemy Shop sometimes displayed improperly formatted text.
Fix: [Plague] Entering the Alchemy shop quickly no longer makes input invalid
Fix: [Plague] Being able longer throw bombs in between boss fights in banquet battle
Fix: [Plague] Tinker Knight Boss works better with the Sentry Fuse
Fix: [Plague] Temporarily unable to move if using the vat during exactly during a screen transition.
Fix: [Plague] Hall of Champion Guards can no longer be hit during dialogue
Fix: [Plague] Can no longer talk to Troupple King while standing on a Vat
Fix: [Plague] Village screen transition loop improved
Fix: [Plague] Hall of champions erroneously taking 1000 gold when re-entering.
Fix: [Plague] Blowing up Hedge Pupil’s house and leaving the screen breaking the game
Fix: [Plague] Sometimes being able to jump or use relics when input is disabled
Fix: [Plague] Bosses not resetting the state of the Bomb Jump Blitz Feat. It should now possible to earn while retrying a boss or when fighting multiple bosses in a row.
Fix: Crash when fishing up the same object multiple times while underwater.
Fix: Pickups which overlap the player sometimes not being picked up until moving away and back again.
Fix: Autoscrolls sometimes incorrectly crush player when moving near the edge of the screen.
Fix: Moving spiked ceiling in Tower of Fate: Ascent not colliding as spikes.
Fix: No longer able to jump right after triggering a catapult warp.
Fix: [Shovel] Jump cancelling Dust Knuckles on hit only results in a double jump if you are above the ground. Characters with no air jumps can never air jump.
Fix: [Shovel] Fixed possible lock-up when Plague Knight summons vats. Occurrence chance was particularly higher on Mac and Linux platforms
Fix: [Shovel] Can once again bounce off Plague Knight’s summoned vats.
Fix: [Plague] 2nd part of Boss no longer kills player if offscreen.
Fix: [Plague] Staff of Surging Arcana no longer goes through vertical crushing ceilings/floors when crushed.
Fix: Minor option menu fixes.
New: [Plague] Mail Minion will now read a letter to you which includes all sorts of neat stats.
New: [Plague] Minion can now appear within Plains of Passage to explain how to perform a bomb burst in case you’re stuck!
New: [Plague] Shovel Knight’s Secret Palette Cheats now work when playing as Plague Knight (Plague uses #1-16, SK uses #1-32)
Adjustment: [Plague] vs Propeller Knight has been tuned to be less difficult.
Adjustment: [Plague] Alchemy menu is slightly faster to open, close, and select items.
Fix: [Plague] Lock up when defeating Mole Knight when Mole Knight is hiding in the wall.
Fix: [Plague] Health display inconsistencies when upgrading health while maxed out on health tonics.
Fix: [Plague] Platters dropping incorrect health, magic, and tonics during Tower 2’s Banquet Battle.
Fix: Re-added some missing treasure in the first enemy map encounter
Fix: Item Completion percent surpassing 100%. (armors were being counted twice)
Fix: Crash when defeated by Mr. Hat, quitting while in the Fancy Shop, or returning to the fancy shop after defeating Mr. Hat in the Armor Outpost. (2.1 only)
Fix: Player can collect pickups while in chest open surprise animation.
3DS & Wii U: [Plague] Relic heap icons appear on the touch screen now too!
3DS: Crash when viewing Plague Knight Feats in German while stereoscopic 3D is enabled.
3DS and Wii U: [Shovel] Fixed crash when exiting stage while the Troupple Chalice is selected. (2.1 only)
3DS and Wii U: [Plague] Fixed crash (and made other improvements) when using relic quick and arcana touch menu at the same time.
3DS: Fixed crash when quitting to world map when recording a ghost in the StreetPass arena while playing with Custom Knight. (2.1 only)
Wii U: [Co-Op] Treasure Knight Chest doesn’t pull in respawning players
New: Added options to swap confirm/back buttons. Options -> Controls -> Confirm/Back
Adjustment: Swapped the design of two rooms within the Plains of Passage while playing as Plague Knight.
Adjustment: Important: Game-Changer: Megaton: Can now stand on the roof of all houses in the Village.
Fix: The Iron Man 2014 Cheat is back in service! Just enter IM&SGC14 on the profile screen to compete for the highest score in The Lost City. Plague Knight can now take on this challenge with the help of his Treasure Trappings!
Fix: Uncollected Cipher Coins revaled from dirt blocks not re-appearing if moving to a different screen before collecting.
Fix: Reize will drop song scroll center screen if he ends up too far to the screen edge.
Fix: Plague Knight’s money bags being caught off screen if he fell down the right-most pit during Propeller Knight’s battle
Fix: Mr. Hat sometimes appearing off his mark during Plague Knight’s post-credits.
Fix: Smoke bomb and Treasure Knight chest capture bug.
Fix: Stuck dancing at The Potionarium when using certain Cheats in Plague Knight’s campaign.
Fix: Minor text improvements across all languages.
Nintendo Wii U
New! Introducing the Shovel Knight amiibo! Scan the Shovel Knight amiibo to activate co-op, Custom Knight, and new Challenge Mode Challenges. For instructions, check out the manual.
New: Added option to turn off amiibo Functionality. Options -> Game -> amiibo Functionality
Nintendo 3DS
New! Introducing the Shovel Knight amiibo! Scan the Shovel Knight amiibo to activate Custom Knight, and new Challenge Mode Challenges. For instructions, check out the manual.
New: Added option to turn off amiibo Functionality. Options -> Game -> amiibo Functionality
New: ZL and ZR buttons can now be bound when playing on a New Nintendo 3DS.
Plague Knight Campaign
Black Knight now always spawns. Even if another wandering encounter was previously occupying his map node.
Old Shovel Knight profiles saved before clearing the Flying Machine are no longer stuck on that node.
Fixed minor text errors in various languages.
Treasure Knight’s anchor no longer travels through walls in certain edge cases.
Treasure Knight’s chest can no longer be broken by certain special attacks.
Clearing to the Explodatorium last (out of the 3 possible Tier 2 stages) no longer skips the Potionarium cutscene (and therefore it is no longer possible to miss the health upgrade).
Item completion totals should now add up to 100%.
Spending all Cipher Coins no longer removes Cipher Coin collection information from the Inventory’s Gear Tab.
Cipher Coin count is now accurate when checking inventory in the Plains of Passage.
Binding two separate attack buttons no longer allows Plague Knight to throw bombs while bomb charging.
Equipping the Ward Robe and using Berserker’s Brew Arcana no longer cause unintended knockback.
Using Vat Arcana on the same frame as falling through downward screen transition no longer causes Plague Knight to hang in place.
Title screen codes can now be activated with the menu’s arrow keys in addition to the bound in-game directions.
End credits characters all appear in front of the houses.
Dying while also defeating The Enchantress no longer causes a non-progression.
Fast cheat now doesn’t run you past Armory cutscene.
Cheating your way to clear the second Black Knight still results in Percy showing up at the Potionarium..
Always dancing cheat no longer breaks certain cutscenes.
Windows, Linux, and Mac
Fixed challenge mode restart issues when using Legacy Vsync settings.
Fixed double Shovel Knight’s appearing in the Banquet Hall when playing with Legacy Vsync settings
Cursor now hides once again when placed over the game window.
[Steam]Fixed issues with Steam overlay with certain screen scale settings.
2.0 – Plague of Shadows
This is a big new update, for the gameplay side of things, check out our other articles.
Plague Knight is now playable! Clear the game as Shovel Knight to unlock.
Challenge Mode is now available! Clear the game as Shovel Knight to unlock.
Plague Knight challenge modes are ready to take on! Clear the game as Plague Knight to unlock.
Victory cinematics and end-game credits can now be skipped by pressing the Start button.
Change: Feats Menu has been re-designed to support multiple characters.
Change: Relic Quick Select is now enabled by default when starting the game for the first time on systems that do not support second screens.
Fix: Rapidly using the fire wand no longer causes both fireballs to collide with one another.
Fix: Using certain weapons when transitioning to a boss encounter causing issues
Fix: “Boom!”, “Flying Feat” – No longer unlocks when used to defeat projectiles.
”Get The Point” feat description changed to indicate that the level needs to be completed too!
New: Collectable totals can now be checked on the Level Map by pressing Select while on a stage. Displays Song Scrolls and for Plague Knight: Cipher Coins. For Shovel Knight: this menu is only unlocked after having cleared the final stage.
Wii U and 3DS
New: (America) – In-game language can now be changed. Enjoy the adventure in a new way with French, Italian, German, and Spanish language options.
Xbox One
Fix: will re-award achievements after profile select, in case an achievement did not award properly
Change: Toad Gear: Shovel Drop has faster startup time and less hitstop. Shoulder bash recovers faster. Punches move forward a little more. Being in a Smash Hit pose will shrug off incoming attacks.
PS4, PS3, and Vita
Change: Chaos Armor generates red orbs when attacking non-Order bosses. Combo swing has more lenient timing and final combo swing recovers slightly faster.
Windows, Linux and Mac
For Speedy Knights: Wandering encounters on the Level Map will not encroach on the Village if playtime is less than 14 minutes.
Fix: Options menu sometimes not showing that a controller was present
Performance improvements (~20% @ 1080p)
Fix: DPI scaling in Windows
Fix: Gameplay inconsistencies while playing with vsync disabled.
New: Moddable post processing!
Fix: Unable to enter bindings menu with a controller while another device is detected as disconnected in slot zero. Pretty common with Bluetooth devices.
Fix: Mac bindings for Retrobit NES USB adapter didn’t include dpad.
Fix: “shaking” movement on map which could occur when playing without VSync.
Fix: Defeating a wandering encounter while on the sides of the screen could sometimes result in a bugged cinematic with the player running endlessly off screen. That’s ice cold, SK. At least stick around long enough to their departing dialogue!
Fix: German typo in opening text.
Linux: Improved audio configuration <link to steam forum post or something>
Additional controller support.
Controller bindings made from within Steam (Big Picture, etc) are no longer overridden by bindings within the game’s controller database.
Fix: Crash when a large number of controllers are connected
New: Relic Quick Select!Enable this within the controller options menu to allow quickly cycling through relics without needing to open the menu. Press both relic cycle buttons at the same time to unequip your current relic. Relics can also be switched to instantly with the number keys!
New: Full Screen Effects Toggle.Shovel Knight occasionally makes use of effects which causes a large portion of the screen to change colors to add emphasis to certain events. This setting disables these effects or makes them less intense.
New: Item Totals Menu!Once you have cleared the final stage (or in Game+) you can display your song scroll collection tally for a particular stage with the “Select” button. This holiday, how about getting your favorite local Bard what he’s always wanted?!
Adjustment: Any map encounter past Reize will not spawn until either Reize is defeated or 1 hour of game time has elapsed. Speedy knights no longer need to roll the dice on map encounter movements so late in a run.
Adjustment: Missile leading up to Treasure Knight’s front door has been slowed down slightly.
Adjustment: Specter Knight’s opening scythe toss is a bit more predictable.
Adjustment: Relic button’s default controller binding moved to the upper-most face button of controller instead of right shoulder button.
Fix: Grammatical errors in text for: French, Italian, and German. Thanks everyone, who contacted us with corrections, keep ‘em coming!
Fix: Error which caused the in-game clock to not count up while at the Troupple Pond or campfire. Note: This fix makes the “Hurry Up!” achievement slightly harder!
Fix: “Left Stick/L3” and “Right Stick/R3” not displaying in menus when using a Sony or Microsoft controller.
Fix: Right direction button displaying a left dpad icon within the controller binding menus when using a Sony or Microsoft controller.
Windows: Performance improvements
Mac/Linux: Fix: Render crash on startup when using slightly older software based OpenGL version.
Added Shane Calimlim to the credits. He’s been here for a while — but welcome aboard just the same! Without his ongoing engine improvements, debugging support, and drastic overhauls to our build system then these kinds of patches wouldn’t be happening! Hurray for continuous integration!
Game-wide performance improvements across all platforms!
Fix: First gold producing dirt block in Plains would drop two coins on top of one another.
Fix: Possible crash involving Mr. Hat Boss.
Fix: Miscellaneous crash fixes.
Fix: Inching past an open (but not rummaged through) treasure chest with the charge slash no longer snaps Shovel Knight back to the chest. Still hilarious.
Devices: Linux and Mac now have support for SnesMayflashAdapter, Retrobit NES adapter, and Buffalo Famicom Controller. Windows properly supports the SnesMayflashAdapter once again. Welcome, native game padders!
Game now respects SDL_AUDIODRIVER envar. Fixes some setups having no audio at all!
Fix: Mail of Momentum providing an extra jump for Shovel Knight. Consider it a sneak peak at Plague Knight!
Shovel Knight is now available on Linux! No longer must you brave the perils of emulators, virtual machines, dual booting, or what-have-you to do battle against the forces of evil. Now that Windows, Mac and Linux are all released, you can play Shovel Knight on your system(s) of choice!
Clarified cheat activation text to be a little clearer.
Fix: Gastronomer forgetting remaining meals if Shovel Knight left just as a sequential meal was being served. Ah, the old dine and dash and then dine again trick…
Shovel Knight goes international! Play the entire game in English, French, Italian, German, or Spanish! You can swap between languages at any time within the Options Menu. Whether you’re playing the game for the first time, picking up a new language, or just trying out a new flavor of the Shovel Knight adventure — we hope you enjoy it! Thanks to the team atWords of Magicfor their tireless work in translating the Shovel Knight spirit. Squeezing puns into fixed-width NES font space is no joke!
Mac OS
Shovel Knight now runs on a wider range of earlier OS versions. Mavericks not required!
Fix: Timing issue where the Inventory screen could be opened with the game unpaused.
Fix: Getting captured by Treasure Knight’s chest while using the Ichor of Boldness leading to a missing Shovel Knight.
Fix: Cheats not carried over in New Game+ when a file is reloaded.
Fix: Falling into pit during final boss battles leading to soft lock.
Fix: Escaping final battle with Propeller Dagger.
Fix: Fall through floor if using Dust Knuckle when defeating Polar Knight during Round Table.
Fix: Enchantress blocks frozen by creative Chaos Orb use.
Fix: Entering Enchantress fight with shovel drop causing crash.
Tweak: Fixed a portrait and added one slacker to the Hall of Champions.
Wii U
Game can now be played with out the GamePad! “Please re-connect GamePad” message will only display if it was your last used controller before disconnect or if you were displaying the game on the GamePad screen.
NEW: GamePad screen can be toggled between Main and Sub type by pressing the “Select Button” within the Pause Menu. Quicker than going all the way to the video option menu!
Fix: Crash when the battery died on GamePad with certain Wii U system features enabled.
Fix: Music not resuming if a Miiverse post is selected while the inventory is open on screen.
NEW! Update option on the main menu makes updating to new versions of Shovel Knight a breeze! Welcome to the internet future, medieval knight man!
Fix: Home menu crash issues
NEW! Borderless window option
Additional controller support. Thank You to everyone who submitted their devices! - http://yachtclubgames.com/2014/03/steam-controller-support/
•Fix: V-sync Ladder Climber animation timing
Fix: “Reflect Lord Feat” only incrementing enemies hit count if it the reflected attack was non-fatal.
Fix: DualShock button prompts not auto-detecting.
Fix: Treasure Knight getting caught on walls during vertical downward anchor shots.
Fix: Player could retreat to the previous screen during Specter Knight’s battle. Props to Specter’s tenacity in continuing to hunt down Shovel Knight in this situation.
NEW: Controller option allows disabling all controller use in game. Intended for players who might prefer to use external gamepad mapping tools — we’ll continue to support as many input devices as we possibly can!
Feat progress is immediately saved upon unlocking. Previously, Feats could be unlocked but lost by the regular saving mechanisms if a game exited or turned off before reaching an autosave point.
Fix: (Alchemy Lab) Sound would loop forever if the Potion Master mid boss was defeated at a certain frame
Fix: (Tower: ????) Soft lock fix involving NPC AI.
Fix: Double KO end to a boss battles disabled access to pause and relic menus.
Potential Fix: SNES MayflashAdapter and LogitechWingmanRumblepad controller bindings. Please let us know if you are still experiencing issues with these devices!
Removed an “empty” Song Scroll from Clockwork Tower which could never be collected or turned in.
Fix: “Halfway” Feat unlocking when re-clearing a stage.
Fix: Black Knight ignores damage during Plains intro. For some players, there was a small window of opportunity to Ground Spark which could cause Black Knight to go off script.
Fix: Sparker Feat not unlocking when defeating Black Knight.
No Feat should go unnoticed! — Added an option to the Feats menu which allows you to sync unlocked Feats to your Steam Achievements with the F4 key.
Direction inputs can be bound to multiple buttons–just press more than one input at once. Intended for players who wanted to map Shovel Drop to its own button.
Fix: “Steam Saving Not Enabled” message showing up all the time. Now you can save to the cloud! Propeller Knight would be proud.
Fix: Some Boot up crash repairs for Steam
Fix: Monitors running higher than 60hz running at double speed or faster
Fix: Player and Encounter Map movement halting the game under certain vsync/video settings.
Fix: The following Feats not unlocking in Steam Achievements: “I’m Alive”, “Hurry Up”, “Untouched”, and “Shovel Economy”
Additional controller support.
Fix: Shovel Knight dancing endlessly when defeating the first form of Tinker Knight with an aerial Shovel Drop attack.